My new 5 minute readings for inspiration
Hello again, I have started a new category containing short inspiring stories, ideas, thoughts, quotes and poems as my head is always full of great ideas however these ideas may be just too short to be entitled to a post. So that’s why I decided to create this 5 minute reading category so that you can always browse through these posts to get a little quick inspiration!
So today I’d like to create awareness around the subject ‘awareness’. Ha ha, how inspiring you think. Well, the reason I’d like to share this is that many people are not aware of their behaviour and or actions and the effects this has on the people around them. A great example of this is: many people, when arriving at work, first have to go the the bathroom, then get their cup of coffee and then, 30 minutes later, are ready to start the day. This point is that if you talk to these people in those first 30 minutes in the morning, they have totally been unaware of the conversation you have been trying to hold as they are not present. Not only is this inefficient for the business, it is even more inefficient for yourself. Think about it, if you come home after a long day of work, and your children present you with a beautiful (or artistic rather said) painting, you should be fully present and receive their painting with open arms and heart. On the contrary, you are tired, still thinking about that project (or whatever it is), and your tell your kids to go away and come back later when daddy has had dinner. All you are doing is pushing them away, while you should be happy and thankful that you have a family and a house to live in….you should be aware of everything that is going on around you, and sometimes, people should just be told to be aware, as that’s what’s happened to me.
In this fast paced world, people are too often too busy with themselves (yeah me too sometimes) and do totally ignore others peoples feelings. That is why you should make other people aware, share the love and live now, be present and hold a mirror in front of that other human being. And when you do, you will see that poeple just say, oh true, I didnt even realize (see that’s the fact, people do not realize beacause they are unaware!)
So, be present, be aware of your actions and behaviour and change your mood. When you get home from a stressed day of work, put a smile on your face as soon as you leave the building as life is too short to not be present. So stop wasting time, and start living life to the full. Start loving the world and other people <3
Harold B. Melchart: “Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point.”
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