70 Journalling Prompts to Improve Your Life

fashion woman notebook pen

When I first started to write in my journal I felt like a complete beginner – having no idea what to write nor when to write, I just started to write down some things on paper. I remember watching some inspirational videos by Tony Robbins and so my journalling journey had started.

A few months after writing down those very first goals, I looked back to my journal and I realised that I had actualised my goals and brought my dreams to life! I could not believe it but that surely was my very own hand writing. Now I journal most mornings and each Sunday I write a longer, bigger reflection of the week and of my goals and actions.

In this article:

How can journaling help improve yourself?

I have found journalling to be SO helpful in many ways. Over the years I have found that it wasn’t just helpful to track my goals, but more so to help me put down on paper what was in my head – to help me create some clarity. Especially when you read back over your journal you begin to understand yourself so much better! Here are five ways journalling can help improve yourself:

  1. Journaling helps to organise your thoughts.
  2. Journaling gets your brain working and getting creative which can lead to new ideas.
  3. Journalling can help you visualise your dreams – simply put it down on paper and work things out from there, step by step.
  4. Journaling can reduce your stress and anxiety.
  5. Self discovery journal prompts can help you find how to improve yourself and your life.

Tips for daily journaling:

  • Make it a part of either your morning or night routine. Whichever routine is the most stable for you and doesn’t change often.
  • Keep your journal somewhere visible (like your nightstand) so when you see it you remember.
  • If possible set a timer on your phone for the time of the day you prefer to journal.
  • Make journaling it’s own little routine. For example, if you journal in the morning make it a routine to grab your journal, make your coffee, and then sit in the same quiet place to journal

Although journalling comes me to naturally now, I find it so helpful to have some inspirational prompts to help me rediscover what’s important to me, what my goals are, what persona I want to be, what I need more or less of in my life. So below I’ve gathered my 50 most favourite and helpful journalling prompts.

70 Journalling Prompts to Self Improvement, Personal Growth and Discovery

  1. What do I need more of in my life?
  2. What do I need to let go of? (Fears, toxic energy, toxic relationships)
  3. What are some of my limiting beliefs that might be holding me back?
  4. What are 10 things I am grateful for today?
  5. What are 10 positive things about my life? (Things I absolutely love about my life)
  6. What are 5 ways that I can go out of my comfort zone this year?
  7. What are 7 things I am really good at?
  8. Write out 15 positive affirmations (ex: I can achieve anything I set my mind to.)
  9. If money wasn’t an issue, what would my ideal life be? (Where would I live, what would my career be, what would my family look like)
  10. What motivates me to keep going?
  11. How would I describe myself to someone who has never met me before?
  12. What are 3 of my life passions? (hobbies/things that set my soul on fire)
  13. Where is my favourite place to go? Why?
  14. Who is my biggest inspiration and why?
  15. Where will I be in 5 years?
  16. What does my ideal day look like?
  17. What unhealthy habits do I need to cut out?
  18. What do I love most about myself? (5 things)
  19. What is something I’ve been wanting to do but have been too afraid to try? (Why am I afraid?)
  20. What are my top 3 goals for this year and how can I achieve them?
  21. What do I struggle with the most?
  22. What are 5 words that describe me best and why?
  23. How can I add happiness to my daily life?
  24. What animal describes me as a person and why?
  25. What do I need to forgive myself for?
  26. What does success mean to me?
  27. How can I show myself more love?
  28. What am I going to achieve next month?
  29. What negative mindsets do I need to let go of?
  30. Write out 50 things that make me smile.
  31. What would I do if I knew I could not fail?
  32. Where would you be if all of your goals were accomplished?
  33. What goals have you let fall by the wayside?
  34. Do your current goals align with your core values?
  35. What would your highest self say to your current self?
  36. What’s a limiting perspective or mindset that you’ve lived with your entire life? How are you going to work through it?
  37. Write down one good habit you want to start working on.
  38. What are your biggest time wasters?
  39. What changes do you want to see in your life in five years?
  40. How can you brighten up your loved ones’ days?
  41. What do you want to be remembered for, and how can you work toward that?
  42. How can you stay on top of your goals and New Year’s resolutions?
  43. What past experiences am I still healing from that I need to give myself grace for?
  44. What dreams do you need to put on hold for right now so you can pursue your purpose?
  45. What gets you out of bed in the morning? Are you pursuing that daily?
  46. What things am I willing to let go of so I can live my best life?
  47. What habits, memories, relationships, etc. are you holding onto that are keeping you from improving yourself?
  48. What boundaries do you need to set with others and yourself to prioritise your goals and self care?
  49. When do I feel most confident in myself, and when do I feel the least confident in myself?
  50. What would your life look like if you were fully confident in yourself and your opinions? What steps can you take to get closer to that?
  51. Allow yourself to think about what your ideal life would look like, and then write it all down.
  52. What’s the first thing you turn to when you feel sad? Is it a healthy thing?
  53. What are ten things you’re grateful for?
  54. Who’s approval do you want the most, and why?
  55. What hobbies did you have as a kid that you dropped? Why did you drop them?
  56. You’re at your happiest when you’re . . .
  57. What have you purposefully skipped out on, even if you wanted it? What stopped you?
  58. What motivates you the most (fear, money, happiness, etc.)?
  59. Write down a definition of who you are—the good and the bad.
  60. What activities drain your energy the most?
  61. What activities give you energy?
  62. After spending time with someone, do you typically walk away feeling loved or judged?
  63. Do you assume people judge/dislike you based on past experiences? How can you work through that?
  64. What are your three biggest pet peeves?
  65. What’s your biggest insecurity?
  66. Who inspires you the most and why?
  67. If money wasn’t an issue, how would you live the rest of your life?
  68. What negative or traumatic experiences have you let define you, and how can you walk away from them?
  69. What are you afraid of the most?
  70. What things have you loved doing all of your life?
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