Lifting The Lid On CBD Oil – What It Is And How To Use It

The first time I heard of CBD oil was way back when I was a teenager. Growing up in the Netherlands I was familiar with the terms marijuana and Cannabidiol (CBD) given it was all we could smell on the streets in Amsterdam. The aroma of marijuana reminds me of junkies on the street. I used to hold my breath when walking past as I could not stand the smell.

Now, 10 years later, I have discovered that this stinky smelly stuff actually has some great medicinal benefits. In this post I want to share with you the what, how and why of CBD Oil as I feel that it may help you, or you may know someone who could benefit from it.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is derived from the cannabis plant and is a natural remedy used to ail many common ailments. CBD oil was first discovered in 1940 and has since a few years become a controversial topic in the media.

Understanding CBD vs THC

The cannabis plant is made up of two main players: CBD and THC.

CBD – cannabidiol:

  • is one of more than 120 compounds called cannabinoids.
  • CBD is not psychoactive

THC – delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol:

  • is the major psychoactive principle in marijuana

What are the benefits of CBD Oil? 

Althea, an Australia pharmaceutical company, claims that clinical research is still on the way but states that “medicinal cannabis has been shown to help people suffering from many different conditions, including:

  • Chronic pain
  • Sleep, mood disorders and mental health
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Epilepsy
  • Pain and spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis”

CBD oil is best known for benefits such as:

  • Natural pain relief
  • May aid to get better sleep
  • Natural solution for anxiety & depression
  • Used in treatment for cancer 
  • May help with nausea and vomiting
  • Can act as an anti inflammatory agent
  • Can act as immune boosting agent

CBD Oil for Anxiety

There are many claims on the benefits of CBD oil and given that evidence is somewhat mixed and I have done some research online and found some very interesting findings:

CBD shows promise in the treatment of anxiety disorders, according to a report published in the journal Neurotherapeutics in 2015. [1]

CBD Oil For Pain Management

Animal studies have suggested that CBD has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, but these effects have not been validated in quality studies in humans. Anecdotally, some people with arthritis who have tried CBD, but not all, report noticeable pain relief, sleep improvement and/or anxiety reduction.[2]

Is CBD oil legal in Australia?

CBD oil and other Cannabis products are legal in Australia but require one to go through a special state program in order to acquire the products.

CBD oil can be legally accessed via your GP.

How can I access CBD Oil in Australia?

To access CBD oil in Australia you need to speak your doctor to get a prescription. To learn more you can visit the Therapeutic Goods Administration website.

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