Easy Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe

Looking for a healthy breakfast recipe? Try these Easy Clean Eating Protein Pancakes

This yummy easy recipe is a very nutritious start of the day and after browsing through this post you can easily make them yourself. The recipe is very simple and all you need is your favourite protein powder, eggs, flaxseed and some berries (I used frozen raspberries but you can use any kind). This breakfast recipe is super high in protein and you can eat this when you are on a clean eating diet. So let’s have  a look at what you need:

Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe Ingredients

Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe Ingredients
Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe Ingredients
  • 2/3 big scoops of your favourite protein powder (I used 100% lean whey by genetix nutrition vanilla)
  • 1 whole egg
  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 big scoop of flax seed
  • 1 big cup of berries

Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe Method

  1. Add eggs, flax seed and protein powder into a mixing bowl and mix until smooth (approx 4 mins)

    Easy Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe: Add eggs, flax seed and protein powder into a mixing bowl and mix until smooth (approx 4 mins)
    Easy Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe: Add eggs, flax seed and protein powder into a mixing bowl and mix until smooth (approx 4 mins)

  2. Add in berries and mix for another 3 mins to get the mixture smooth (mixture will double in size due to beating the egg whites)

    Easy Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe: Add in berries and mix for another 3 mins to get the mixture smooth (mixture will double in size due to beating the egg whites)
    Easy Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe: Add in berries and mix for another 3 mins to get the mixture smooth (mixture will double in size due to beating the egg whites)

  3. The mixture should be nice and fluffy… not runny but thick!

    Easy Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe: The mixture should be nice and fluffy... not runny but thick!
    Easy Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe: The mixture should be nice and fluffy… not runny but thick!

  4. Now scoop into a frying pan to make little patties (I used olive oil to fry in – you can use coconut or macadamia oil too)
  5. VERY IMPORTANT: Make on LOW heat as protein powder tends to burn quickly… so this is where you’ll need a bit of patience
  6. Brown patties on one side, then carefully flip over and fry until brown on both sides
    Easy Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe: Tadaaaaa yummy healthy easy protein pancakes!
    Easy Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe: Tadaaaaa yummy healthy easy protein pancakes!
    Yummmy Easy Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe
    Yummmy Easy Clean Protein Pancakes

Clean Protein Pancakes Recipe Variations

  • Use chocolate protein powder instead of vanilla
  • Add 1 scoop of natural peanut butter
  • Use mixed berries or blueberries (or use fresh berries)
  • Top with fresh fruit
  • Add in some almond butter of a little bit of coconut oil
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