Enjoy The Process

Hello you wonderful thing!

I just wanted to quickly drop you a line and tell you how amazing you are. 

As a personal trainer, lifestyle coach, motivator, business women and shoulder to cry on, I see it so often: we beat ourselves up over the smallest obstacles. 

Something happens in our life and we immediately react. We react with a negative emotion and we feel sad, frustrated, or simply not good enough.

Just remember that we all have shit days every now and then. All of us. No matter how perfect we aspire to be, and no matter how many thing we promised ourselves we would do, sometimes all the things we wanted to achieve just can’t happen in one day and that is perfectly okay. 

This is called being realistic.

So your day was shit, pick yourself right back up – chances are you have actually achieved more than you think you did and you’re just being hard on yourself. Am I right? I think I am 🙂 

If today was a bit of a fail, oh well, tomorrow is a new day. Get that chin up (except when you are boxing) and get right back up. Your mindset is your most under valued asset (USE THAT SHIT!).

Here’s something to put things into perspective, when people look at me now I get comments like “Oh wow you look so fit, you must be really fit and train a lot” or “Wow are you competing soon?”. That’s really nice and strokes my ego, but what those people don’t see is the hard work that has gone into it. What people don’t see is the number of times I cried after finishing a workout, or the number of times I wanted to give up (or the number of times I raped the fridge when on a diet)….. All that everyone sees on the outside is just surface stuff, superficial stuff that I want you to see….  Just remember that it’s not what is on the outside that counts, it’s all about that gooey inside stuff which is called life, which makes us who we are.

Enjoy the process …..

My own personal journey began many years ago… Here’s a little timeline to put things into perspective. Read my story here.

I hope you enjoyed this email and it has been helpful to you. If you know a friend that would benefit from it, feel free to spread the love! Let me know your questions via reply email or connect on Facebook and Instagram to stay inspired and live your healthiest life yet! 

Follow me @AmazonWarriorAU


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