5 Things You Can Do Right Now To Be a Healthier You

If there’s one thing you can do to improve your health right now, it is taking responsibility.

By taking full responsibility for your health you are accepting what lies within your control and you automatically focus less on the things that aren’t within your control.

If you want to feel better, there are many things you can do (cost free) to achieve a healthy lifestyle that’s maintainable for you.

Here are my 5 top tips for getting healthier now!

1. Take Care of Yourself First

For us to be happy and healthy we need to look after ourselves first.

When you take care of yourself, you will be more patient, more resilient, and will be better able to deal with difficult situations.

On top of that you will be better able to show compassion and empathy towards others and build better relationships.

Remember you cannot pour from an empty cup so fill your own cup first……Look after yourself first so that you can be the best version of yourself.

Then you will be able to share your talents with the world and be the best partner, colleague, friend, husband, mother, or father you can be.

To take care of yourself you can take time alone, do something you love, go to the gym, try something new or practice yoga or meditation. Also see:

2. Try Morning Meditation to Set the Right Intentions

Try something new and see what the benefits are of a morning meditation.

The below guided morning meditation is a very brief, invigorating guided meditation that you should be easily able to fit into your busy day.

Remember you are the one making your days “busy” – but don’t confuse being busy with being productive. Being productive is much more effective than being busy.

Practising meditation will not only give you clarity and peace but will set your day up for great success with intention and passion. My guided meditation for self love is one that you can listen to any time of the day. Listen on Spotify or listen on YouTube.

Also see:

3. Break The Fast With a Healthy Breakfast

Did you know that the word breakfast comes from “breaking the fast”? When you are sleeping you are basically fasting so the first meal to break the fast is hence called breakfast.

Breakfast is your first most important meal of the day.

Nourish your body with a glass of water followed by a delicious breakfast such as 3 Ingredient Protein French Toast, Gut Loving PorridgeMake ahead super oats or simply some delicious eggs on toast. 

3 Ingredient Protein French toast is a great way to “break the fast”

When you break the fast, make sure you nourish your body with the right nutrients such as King Island Colloidal Minerals, a Multi Vitamin such as this one, and don’t forget your daily intake of Switch Superfood for a healthy gut. 

4. Surround Yourself With Good Company

If you are surrounded by positive people that inspire you,  your mood will automatically lift.

You will be inspired by what other people do and this may spark your ideas for business or may inspire you to live healthier or try something new… You know the saying that “you are what you eat” but you also are who you surround yourself with.

If you want to have greatness in your life, surround yourself with great people.

If you strive to be a happy, fulfilled, honest, confident, empowered and principled person, surround yourself with people who are the same. 

Choose your company wisely. Be relentless with surrounding yourself with those who bring out the best in you. Your direction in life depends on it. And while you’re at it, have the courage to be a good friend to those who choose you.

If you are surrounded by people who have unhealthy habits this will be a struggle for you if you are aiming to achieve a healthier habit or lifestyle. Remember that healthy relationships with family and friends is also part of a healthy lifestyle.

Why not get your family or friends involved when you go for a walk for your daily exercise when you cook healthier meals.

Making healthy changes with a loved one can also bring you closer.

5. Try a Night Time Digital Detox

Challenge yourself and turn off all electronics at 8PM. This will not only get you into the habit of a healthy nighttime ritual without electronics, but this will also create more time to do the things you love (technically you’re not creating more time, you are managing your time differently allowing yourself to spend more quality time with loved ones, and less wasted time on useless social media).

Let go of that intent-less scrolling through Facebook or Instagram and instead focus your time inwards, or spend quality time with your loved ones.

Why not light a candle and play a game of uno or monopoly? 

Also see:

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed this post and that is has given you some ideas to live a healthier lifestyle.

Remember that making change is a small step at a time. Set the right intentions and start small.

Keep your focus on that goal and live the life you want.

Have a wonderful day and make it your mission today to do 1 good thing for your health.

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