This guest post is by Yana Martens who has been modelling for over 13 years and is experienced in a broad range of styles. Besides her experience on both sides of the camera, Yana’s psychology degree gives her insights on people’s behaviour in front of the camera and what is most effective when helping people to overcome their insecurities. Yana hosts various workshops in Australia and overseas to teach photographers to pose people, and to teach people to be more confident in front of the camera.
In this guest post, Yana talks about how to handle negative comments.
How To Handle Negative Comments?
I remember one of my professors back at University said: If someone irritates you, they have a power over you. The worst thing you can do when you have received a negative comment is to be defensive because it only gives more power to offender. So, the question is how to react on negative comments? From my own experience, I think there are two main options.
Firstly, you can ask why the person think so, and what would they improve? The key is to focus on the facts, concentrate on the issue not the person. They might have a really good arguments, and you can actually learn and improve something. Try to turn negativity into constructive feedback and constructive discussion. But if their arguments are really general without proven points and overall shifting towards being rude and insulting, I would thank them for their opinion and forget about them.
The idea is to treat everyone with the same level of respect but that doesn’t mean you have to agree with a everyone’s opinion. The last thing you want to do is to let someone you don’t even know to drop your confidence level down. Pick you battles and stay positive
Final Thoughts
Unfortunately, most of us have experienced negative comments, negative feedback or in general negative people surrounding us.
Especially in an online community where we encourage each other to participate and share our own thoughts it’s only inevitable to come across negative comments. Although negative comments maybe one of your greatest fears, unfortunately they are reality. The main thing about negative comments is the way you respond to them.
So if you choose to backfire instantly this won’t get you very far however if you step away from it and try to gain understanding why the person is making this comment you will gain a better understanding of the reasoning upon which you will be better able to act upon it.
Whether you walk away, ignore the comment or truly try to climb into the shoes of the person making a negative comment, it’s always good to be positive and take emotion away from the situation.
Although it’s not fun receiving negative comments it’s something that you will most likely have to deal with or have already had to deal with in the past. I hope this post has given you some helpful tips on how to deal with it with grace class and maturity.
Also See:
- 5 Ways to Mindfully Handle Negative Comments
- How to Handle Negative Comments
- 7 Helpful Tips on Dealing with Negative Comments
- How To Handle Negative Comments On Social Media
- How To Handle Negative Blog Comments, In 3 Steps
- How to Deal With the Negative Influences in Your Life
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