How to choose protein powder?

What protein powder is best for post workout ?

How do I choose the right protein powder?

I often get asked questions like these so I thought to put together the answer in a video. Don’t mind the background noise that’s my parrots 🦜🤣

Three things to look for when you buy a protein powder:

1. Choose a product that agrees with you. Most proteins are whey protein which means it is derived from cows milk. Not everyone s gut agrees with this so you may want to look at a plant based or vegan or lactose free option.

2. Choose a protein powder with a high content of protein anything above 25 g is great. Depending on your goals (Where do you want to build muscle and size or whether you want to lose fat and gain lean muscle) choose the right carbs and fat. If you want lean muscle gain that supports fat loss choose one that has low-fat (1g) and low carbs (1g).

3. Choose a protein powder that has BCCASS also known as branched chain amino acids (Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine) these amino acids are to 3 most important building blocks to repair muscles.If it contains other amino acids that’s a bonus as they’ll help with overall health and wellbeing!

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