We have all been there……. you want to exercise but are not motivated. Whether you are coming back from an injury or haven’t trained in a while, getting back into your exercise routine maybe tougher than you think. It isn’t just the mental struggle but also the feeling of not being fit enough to get started again (remember it’s the first step that’s the hardest). Although you know you have to get back into the gym to get fit, getting into that first workout sucks.
Throughout my personal fitness journey I have had to motivate myself over and over again and I think this is something that will always happen. There are days when I am more motivated than others, yet struggle is the same, the first steps are the hardest. I think this quote sums it up just right:
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Lao Tzu
If you are just coming back from injury and are training for recovery you may be more motivated to get back into the gym as you have had some time off to aid recovery. Although you may be excited to get back into the gym you may still feel the mental struggle of being out of routine and simply not feeling like working out. This has happened to me various times where I have had to had several weeks off training in which I started doing other activities instead of gym, then once I was allowed to go back to training I had lost motivation and had no intention to step foot back into the gym…..
1. Set Yourself Up For Success
The first thing I do when I don’t feel motivated to go to the gym is just to set the right intention. When I wake up in the morning I tell myself that I’m keen to go to the gym that afternoon and set a positive intention. Then I will lay out my workout clothes so that when I get home from work that afternoon I can easily slip into them and get moving. The most difficult thing is to get going again once you’ve got comfortable at home so setting yourself up for success is the first step in the right direction. Even better, if you can take your gym gear to work and get changed at work and then head to the gym then you won’t even have to jump the hurdle of getting from home to the gym.
2. Look At How Far You’ve Come
When I feel unmotivated, I look at my previous achievements to see how far I have come. I review the hard work I have put in to achieve those results and try to think about how it made me feel to get to those achievements.
Looking back at my bodybuilding achievement and boxing achievements I then realise how my hard work paid off into good results and I remember how good it feels to be fit and look fit and feel healthy. Think about it, how did you feel when you were fit? How did you feel when you ran your first fun run or had your first win at a sport you partook in? Look at the positives and find your fire again.
3. Listen To Motivational & Inspirational Speeches
Another thing I find helpful when I’m not motivated is listening to motivational speeches and inspirational stories from athletes and successful entrepreneurs. Even if I don’t feel like going to gym I will turn up anyway and tell myself that it is okay to simply do cardio on the treadmill and nothing else. Whilst on the treadmill I will listen to these motivational speeches which then ignite the fire in my belly to get going again and 9 out of 10 times I actually feel like doing a better work out then simply the treadmill.
I LOVE listening to The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes, and Fearless Motivation or check out the below example.
4. Find Inspiration In Other Athletes And Role Models
What also helps to motivate me is by looking at other successful athletes. Sometimes I will look at inspirational Pinterest boards listen to inspirational YouTube videos from people that I admire such as Mohammed Ali, Bruce Lee, Rhonda Rousey, Serena Williams, Cassie Ho and Jen Heward.
5. Dig Deeper – Why Are You Not Motivated?
When you are not motivated I think it is important to dig deeper and learn to understand WHY you are not motivated. Sometimes it may simply be that the body is exhausted from work and life and perhaps from the previous workout, and sometimes it is okay to simply rest up or just go for a walk instead of doing your supposed workout (also read: Why It Is Sometimes Okay To Skip Your Workout).
Being mindful about your workouts and your recovery is an essential part of a healthy training regimen that is focused towards training for longevity. Remember that recovery is a vital part of a well balanced training regimen read more about my articles on recovery of fitness such as The Three R’s of Recovery Nutrition: Understanding how to maximise your workouts with food and The importance of sleep for muscle recovery.
When you dig deeper you should also ask yourself why you work out. Ask yourself, what is my motivation to train? why do I want to train? Is it so that you can feel better about yourself or is it so that you can look better or are you working out for fun? Knowing what drives you will help you get going and even if you close your eyes for a moment and visualise your goals this will help you get back into the gym and get started.
Final Thoughts
I would love to hear if any of these tips helped you to get motivated and what else triggers you to get back into your action after you’ve had a break for awhile.
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