Did you know a labour bag is not the same as a hospital bag?
My labour bag contains only the most essential items I wish to have during labour (all the other stuff will be in my BIG hospital bag for once baby has actually arrived such as maternity pads, baby clothes, nipple balm, etc)
1️⃣ Tens Machine + extra battery (although I’m certain I’ll be wearing the tens machine when arriving at hospital)
2️⃣ Labour Snacks (to see what’s in my bag head to link in bio)
3️⃣ Phone + Long Charging Cord + Wall Plug / Powerbank
4️⃣ Labour Gown + Comfy Bra/Swim Top + Undies (prepare of your desired birth (water birth in my case) so your brain starts to rewire itself because you CAN manifest a positive birth)
5️⃣ 3x Printed Birth Plan (1x for husband and 2x extra for nurses)
6️⃣ Sound Box + Wireless and Wired Headphones for Hypnobirthing Tracks and Affirmations
7️⃣ Hair Ties + Lip Balm
8️⃣ Big Water bottle with Hydralyte
9️⃣ Wallet + ID for check in at triage
🔟 Baby Hat + mittens for when born
1️⃣ LED Candles
2️⃣ Battery operated fairy lights
3️⃣ Aromatherapy diffuser + oils of my choice (pre packed)