My Third Trimester Stretching Routine To Prepare For Labour

I really enjoy training weights in the gym (yes I am still training in my third trimester) but I also know the importance of slowing down, relaxing the body and muscles, and taking a moment to connect to myself, and my baby.

In my third trimester I include 2 to 3 stretching sessions per week consisting of a combination of the below movements.

Example Stretching Routine

  1. Seated pose, connect to breath. (3 – 5 breaths in this pose)
  2. Side to side overhead stretch to stretch deeply but soft into the side body (opening the space between the upper hip bone, and lower rib cage)
  3. Neck stretch with hands clasped behind head
  4. Seated thoracic rotation
  5. Seated cat cow
  6. Z Sit (also known as 90-90 sit) with hip stretch
  7. On all 4s (rotations, side to side, backwards and forwards)
  8. On all 4s thoracic rotation
  9. Low Lunge / Hip Flexor Stretch
  10. Childs Pose on block to open up thoracic spine
  11. Childs Pose with forehead on ground
  12. Single leg seated stretch
  13. Butterfly pose
  14. Modified down dog (with bent legs)
  15. Childs pose
  16. Bird Dog (+ bird dog with single leg hold)
  17. Modified down dog (with bent legs)
  18. Come up to standing – shoulder roll at top – standing side bends
  19. Standing glute stretch
  20. Chair pose
  21. Modified forward fold
  22. Standing pose – shoulder roll at top – close practice
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