I really enjoy training weights in the gym (yes I am still training in my third trimester) but I also know the importance of slowing down, relaxing the body and muscles, and taking a moment to connect to myself, and my baby.
In my third trimester I include 2 to 3 stretching sessions per week consisting of a combination of the below movements.
Example Stretching Routine
- Seated pose, connect to breath. (3 – 5 breaths in this pose)
- Side to side overhead stretch to stretch deeply but soft into the side body (opening the space between the upper hip bone, and lower rib cage)
- Neck stretch with hands clasped behind head
- Seated thoracic rotation
- Seated cat cow
- Z Sit (also known as 90-90 sit) with hip stretch
- On all 4s (rotations, side to side, backwards and forwards)
- On all 4s thoracic rotation
- Low Lunge / Hip Flexor Stretch
- Childs Pose on block to open up thoracic spine
- Childs Pose with forehead on ground
- Single leg seated stretch
- Butterfly pose
- Modified down dog (with bent legs)
- Childs pose
- Bird Dog (+ bird dog with single leg hold)
- Modified down dog (with bent legs)
- Come up to standing – shoulder roll at top – standing side bends
- Standing glute stretch
- Chair pose
- Modified forward fold
- Standing pose – shoulder roll at top – close practice