7 Simple Ways To Instantly Reduce Stress And Feel Better

Whether we like it or not, the demands of our current modern society generate stress and anxiety….

Juggling all aspects of life including work, family, loved ones, physical activity and all that other stuff you enjoy doing, let’s face it, is not always easy.  

Although life get stressful, how you respond to stressful situations determines the outcome, and how you will feel about it.

Whatever the situation may be, whether your boss has treated you unfairly or whether you have an obstacle in your personal life that you may have to deal with, choosing how you respond to the situation is the one thing you CAN control.

When life gets stressful it sometimes feels like you’re losing balance. If you’re focusing too much on one thing you won’t have to time for other things, pulling you out of balance. Since most people experience stress and anxiety in some form or another, learning how to better manage these feelings is important. 

The next time you encounter a stressful situation or need a little pick me up, reach out for these strategies that can instantly make you feel better.

7 Simple Ways To Instantly Reduce Stress And Feel Better

1. Listen To Positive Podcasts

Sometimes all you need is simply some positive input, some inspiration and some new ideas to change your way of thinking. Listening to positive and inspirational podcasts can break your negative thought process and could change the way you look at things. Make a list of your favourite podcast and save them in your podcast app or subscribe to them so that you get notified when new episodes are released. Here are my recommendations:  

  • Lewis Howes School of Greatness – certainly one of the best out there. Very uplifting, inspirational and listening to Lewis’s voice just makes you feel better instantly as it’s so real and relatable. 
  • Tony Robbins Podcast – I have been a Tony Robbins fan since 2010 and absolutely love the podcast as they are helpful, insightful and give you practical tips on how you can better your life. 
  • Robin Sharma Podcast – Since reading The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari back in 2009 I have been following many of Robin’s practices and his videos and podcasts are so inspirational, motivational and helpful. Check it out for yourself! 

2. Reach Out – Talk To People That Lift You Up

Reach out. Even though this may be hard for some of us who don’t like to talk or “burden others” with their headaches, sharing is caring. Really. Simply sharing the load can make a massive difference and the more you talk, the more you realise you’re not alone. There are others who are suffering too and may have gone through a similar situation and may be able to offer you advice or insight into how they dealt with the situation.   Talk to friends, colleagues or family members that make you feel better and that make you feel good about who you are and that lift you up and give you that contagious energy to keep going and to keep doing what you love.

3. Tune Into Your Body – Stretch It Out

Practice yoga, mindfulness or simply meditate for 15 minutes to get your mind disconnected from negative or distracted thoughts. Try:   – Restorative and Relaxing Yoga Sequences You Can Do At Home  – Guided Meditation You Can Do at Home.

4. Get A Sweat On

Go for a nice brisk walk, hit the gym for a weight session or join a fun group fitness class to get a good sweat on and have some fun. 

5. Focus On What Matters Most

Shift your way of thinking and focus on what matters most. Prioritise the things that are important to you and focus on what really matter in your life. Get rid of everything that doesn’t help to reach your goals. 

6. Tune In To Some Peaceful Music

Music can instantly boost your mode or make you feel more relaxed…. Put your favourite tunes on and sit back and relax. Have you ever tried the “Relax Melodies” app? Listen to your favourite tranquil bush camping setting or night time beach sounds like soothing waves. Try this:  

7. Count Your Blessings with Gratitude Practice

Realising how much you have to be grateful for such as a computer or iPhone to read this blog post one,  drink and food in your belly (or in the fridge) Count your blessings and remember there are people elsewhere that don’t have these things….

Practising gratitude will automatically give you a mode burst and will helps shift your negative thinking positive.  

Final Thoughts

Ups and downs are part of life, rolling waves of emotions or stressful times throw you out of balance… You choose how you deal with it.

When you spend a little bit of time on yourself and do things to change your thinking, you will learn that you can easily shift your thoughts into more positive ones.  

What’s your favourite strategy to lift your mood?  

Follow me: @AmazonWarriorAU

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