So you’ve opened this post, thinking that you don’t have time to read it as you have too much to do. That’s exactly the first thought I had when I first learned about a healthy work life balance.
I’ve put this post together for all you workaholics that really don’t take time off but know you need to.
If you want to improve your quality of life, boost your productivity and have a better work life balance, keep on reading.
Here’s Why You Need Time Off
1. Don’t be Counter Productive – Improve Your Wellbeing
I recently listened to a great podcast with Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post and listed in Forbes 100 most successful women. In her podcast Arianna discussed her book Thrive, in which she shares insights into living a more fulfilled life, backed up with 52 pages of science showing that working harder is actually counter productive for your success.
I know from first hand experience that hard work gets you results, whether it be business, personal goals or gym. However, since adopting a healthy balanced lifestyle (which includes taking time off), I have experienced to be much more productive, creative and effective in getting results. Here’s a great quote that summarizes this very well:
“Though some may consider “doing nothing” unproductive, a lack of downtime is bad for our well-being, because idle time allows our default network to make sense of what we’ve recently experienced or learned.” – Leonard Mlodinow
Keep in mind to NOT be counter productive. Don’t get caught up in the thought that working harder, longer hours is going to get you there, because it’s not. Taking time off aids your wellbeing and helps boost productivity, efficiency and reduces stress.
2. More Rest Time = More Creativity
When you take time off to rest, you allow yourself to let go and disconnect, you basically give your brain more space to breathe and more room to “create”. When you have time to let go, you will be more creative as you are not so caught up in the worries of finishing that report at work or crunching the numbers for the boss. Take time off and you will find that you have more time to process your ideas and thoughts.
3. More Sleep Gives You Better Muscle Recovery
Getting enough sleep is a critical one for wellbeing and reducing stress. It is said that the average person needs 8 hours of sleep for optimal function. On top of that, getting enough sleep is a vital aspect for athletes and people that are very physically active. There are two key reasons quality sleep will aid your post workout recovery and help attain your fitness goals faster.
Firstly, sleep is crucial for building muscle mass and banishing muscle soreness. During sleep, especially phase 3 non-REM, your body naturally releases the human growth hormone (HGH). This hormone stimulates growth and cell regeneration, and aids protein synthesis. Disruption to your sleeping patterns can alter the release of HGH, as generally it is the early stages of sleep when HGH is at its highest concentration in the body and when the majority of muscle growth and repair occurs. A lack of HGH production can negatively impact your health and fitness goals as your muscles are unable to repair after a workout and you may experience muscle soreness longer.
Secondly, sustaining a quality 7-9 hours (depending) of sleep a night allows your brain to fully recover and rest. All physical exercise requires the ability to process information quickly as well as mental alertness to best perform. Without quality sleep, your brain function is limited, slowing reaction times, lowering energy levels as well as increasing the risk of injury. Mental alertness is key in helping you get the most out of the time you put in at the gym. By achieving REM sleep for the recommended 1.5-2.5 hours a night allows your brain to fully replenish its energy stores, therefore maintaining a clear, focused and motivated mind. Also see: The Importance Of Sleep For Muscle Recovery
4. Enjoy The Things That Matter
When you are more relaxed you are better able to truly enjoy things in life. After all, there are more important things in life such as romantic sunsets fun family times and dinner parties with friends. Take time to disconnect from work and technology, and take time to enjoy the things that matter. Also think about this one: How do you identify yourself when someone asks who are you and what do you do? Most of us will say “I’m a manager of X” or “I am an accountant with Y”. Is that true? Is that truly who you are? I think we are so much more than our job titles define us to be…. Think about who you truly are and take time to discover this.
5. Increase Productivity
Bruce Lee stated it very well: “If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.” ― Bruce Lee
Thinking about a thing is one thing, but taking action is another. When you are well rested, you think clearly and make better decisions, which increases productivity. When you are focused your productivity will increase as you are able to make better decision and are better able to prioritise tasks.
If you make it a priority to sleep for example 8 hours a day, you will need to manage the remaining time efficiently to ensure that you get done what needs to be done in an efficient manner. Basically, getting enough rest is a time management strategy. This means you can strategically work this into your day and plan for the things that matter most to you.
6 Tips to Manage and Improve Your Work Life Balance
Start Small
Taking time off does not mean going on a holiday every month. Taking time off means to manage your time well to ensure you get enough time to unwind and do the things you love doing. After all, when you get to enjoy your hobby/sport/passion you ignite the fire and feel happier instantly.
Start small and don’t think that a 360 degree turn around is suddenly going to work for you. It may work in the short run, but drastic changes never last long. Be smart about your time and manage it well, start with one thing at a time.
Technology Lock Down
Set yourself a goal to shut down all electronics and distracting social media notifications at a certain time. Whether you do this after work around 6pm or later at night at 8pm, set yourself a limit and shut down all technology distractions. No more phones, no more work emails, no more instagram, no more youtube videos and time for you.
Bring Back Perspective and Reflect
Ask yourself, were you really that effective when you were working late nights? Did you think straight and make the best decision when you were stressed? The answer is no. When we are stressed, overwhelmed and run down, we aren’t functional at an optimal level. So take time to disconnect and reflect.
Unwind With Yoga
Whether you think you need flexibility for yoga or not, you should give it a red hot go. Yoga is a great way of relaxing the body and mind and is a great way to unwind after a busy day or to get into the mood for a relaxing sleep (bedtime yoga).
See Restorative and Relaxing Yoga Sequences You Can Do At Home
Love Yourself First – Improve Your Quality of Life
You can’t pour from an empty cup. It’s simple. If you’re not happy within yourself you cannot make others happy. You need to be happy within yourself to be your best self, so that you can produce the best work and be the best version of yourself.
See Simple Self Care Tips For A Healthy Body, Mind & Soul + Soothing Playlist
Try A Bedtime Tonic
If you struggle to fall asleep at night you may want to try a soothing bedtime tonic to get you relaxed. See Homemade Bedtime Tonics For A Peaceful Sleep
The Bottom Line
Taking time off is not just about understanding the benefits of a healthy work life balance, it is also about adopting a healthy balanced lifestyle which incorporates productive work, effective exercise, nutritious foods and nourishing relationships.
What’s your favourite way to zone out and take time off? Let me know in the comments below!

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