Take Better Care Of Yourself With These 6 Types of Self Care

So many people forget to put themselves first in life, however if you neglect yourself, this is a recipe for disaster.

There are many reasons why self care actually helps you become more efficient and make progress faster.

Fill Your Own Cup First

Due to the nature of our busy lives, taking a break to look after yourself might sometimes feel like a luxury. We often believe that pushing ourselves to the point of exhaustion will lead to a bigger reward. But is that really the case?

Without self care, it will be hard for you to function at your best. To prevent burnout and keep stress from taking over, you need to take the time to look after yourself.

Besides, taking breaks to look after yourself will help you refocus especially when solving complicated problems.

As fuzzy as the phrase may sound, self care is just a few basic habits that are crucial for us to get the best out of ourselves.

For instance, you should always take time to exercise and look after your body, no matter how busy you might be.

Another way to look after yourself is to practice good emotional hygiene by learning to control your feelings.

Additionally, you should always protect your schedule and spend your time and money on what matters.

No matter what stage you are in life, taking care of yourself should be a priority.  

Physical Self Care

🚶‍♀️Physical self care: Taking care of our bodies is a large component of self care, but it doesn’t have to include a vigorous exercise routine. The key to self care is it should be something you enjoy, and not feel like an obligation. Some ideas: a walk in the park, yoga, eating more fruit and veggies, going for a bike ride.

Emotional Self Care

🙇‍♀️Emotional self care: Emotional self care is about becoming more in tune with your emotions. It’s about checking in with yourself and becoming more mindful of your triggers and thinking patters, and finding ways to work through them, rather than battling them up inside. 

Some ideas: journalling, talking to a friend, mindfulness and meditation, being creative.

Spiritual Self Care

📿Spiritual self care: Spiritual self care doesn’t necessarily have to relate to religion, although it can for some people. When you practice spiritual self care you are nourishing your soul, you are striving for inner peace, and you are seeking to find purpose and meaning. 

Some ideas: spend time in nature, meditation, oracle or tarot cards.

Intellectual Self Care

📚Intellectual self care: Intellectual self care includes doing something that nourishes and challenges your mind. It expands your knowledge. Learning a new skill can be a type of self care activity in this category.

Some ideas: learning a new language or skill, reading a book, watching a documentary.

Social Self Care

🗣Social self care: We humans are by nature, social beings. This type of self care means different things to different people. Social connection is important to all of us. 

Some ideas: Spending time with loved ones, reconnecting with an old friend, striking up a conversation with someone, new at the coffee shop.

Sensory Self Care

🧖‍♂️Sensory self care: Sensory self care helps you nourish your senses – sight, smell, touch, sound, which is an effective way of brining your mind to the present moment and helping you lower stress levels. 

Some ideas: burning your favourite scented candle or essential oil, walking barefoot in the grass, getting a relaxing massage, listening to music.

The Bottom Line

I hope you enjoyed this post and that it has been helpful to you. Feel free to pass it on to a friend who might benefit from it. Stay connected via Facebook and Instagram to stay inspired and live your healthiest life yet!

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