I’m an advocate for a healthy lifestyle and in this article I’d like to share my top 10 tips for a Healthier Lifestyle.
It’s all not that bad if you exercise enough and if you make the right choices. Losing weight or ‘being healthy’ is not just a matter of dieting for a while and you will be healthy or lighter.
To lose weight, you just have to burn more calories than you take in, it’s as easy as that.
However you have to ensure that you nourish your body with the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and vitalised.

We all have heard of the above saying but what does it actually mean? It means of course that if you eat crap, you will feel and sometimes look like crap. With crap I mean processed junk food and unhealthy pre made meals with you just have to heat up in the microwave. On the other hand, if you eat healthy, you will feel much better and look much healthier.
If you really want to make a change, if you really want to be a healthier person, cut out all the junk and processed foods (including coke and other carbonated drinks) and substitute for healthy yummy veggies, fruits and other natural products such as nuts seeds and legumes.
In addition to just changing your intake – yes I mean changing, this is not just a 2 month plan whereby you can later on switch back to your old lifestyle – it is important that you also have a healthy body and soul. I do not believe that one can just eat healthier and completely change into a ‘healthy person’.
You as a person are in a body which is your temple, which you should look after with all the power you have. You, your soul which defines you as a person, should be looked after as well. To give you some call to action ideas, I have detailed below some things which I believe totally assist you in being a better healthier person.
1. Embrace Healthy Foods
Eat a healthy diet containing foods such as raw vegetables (I love to have at least 2 raw meals a week), nuts, seeds, dates, fruits, fibre and lean meats.
2. Have a green smoothie in the morning
I love green smoothies and try to have one each morning before my breakfast. My smoothie exists of Wheat Grass powder with Chlorella liquid mixed with (processed) fruit juice. Chlorella is one of the most powerful and nutritionally dense superfoods known. Chlorella is a single-celled freshwater alga which contains vitamin C and carotenoids, both of which are antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that block the action of free radicals (unstable molecules that can damage cells).
Chlorella is also reported to contain high concentrations of iron and B-complex vitamins (see the document Vitamin BComplex). Proponents of wheatgrass make many claims for its health properties, ranging from promotion of general well-being to cancer prevention and heavy metal detoxification. So this is to me a very healthy start of the day! Give it a try but make sure to mix it with a sweet juice or cordial.
Check out my Green Warrior Protein Smoothie Recipe and Hulk Smash Green Protein Smoothie Recipe
3. Include Daily Physical Exercise
We all know it’s good for us but avoid it sometimes too often, either because we’re used to being lazy or afraid that exercise has to be vigorous to be worth our time. The truth is, movement is movement and the more you do, the healthier you’ll be. Even moderate activities such as chores, gardening and walking can make a difference. Did you know, that adding a little movement to your life can:
- Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes
- Improve joint stability
- Increase and improve range of movement
- Help maintain flexibility as you age
- Maintain bone mass
- Prevent osteoporosis and fractures
- Improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
- Enhance self esteem
- Improve memory in elderly people
- Reduce stress
In addition to the above, I am also a fan of yoga. Yoga is and ancient Hindu practice of physical, mental, and spiritual discipline. The goal of yoga, or of the person practicing yoga, is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating. Want to give it a try? These days there a lots of online classes courses and videos so give it a try and have a look at for example Yoga Download.
4. Take A Wholistic Approach – Mind, Body, Soul
I believe that as a person you should take care of both your body and your soul. Once you start to move and exercise more, you’ll see that you will probably be more tired which helps you fall asleep easier. Sleep is very important to rest the body and the soul. However when we sleep, our soul can be very busy with sending you messages through dreams or nightmares. Try and write down some of your dreams or nightmares and analyse them using my best friend Google.
You will find that some of the stories in your dreams might try to tell you something which actually is starting to make sense to you now that you are reading this article! Another way to destress and look after your soul is to journal. Following Steve Pavlina, Journaling is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to accelerate your personal development. By getting your thoughts out of your head and putting them down in writing, you gain insights you’d otherwise never see.
Last but not least, Meditation: Meditation involves deliberately holding one’s attention on a subject, object or process. It involves clearing the mind, resulting in feeling more ‘alive’, enhanced feelings of calm and heightened awareness. Meditation offers many health benefits, such as reducing stress, and supporting healing and recovery from accidents. So give it a try and feel the difference!
5. Cut back on your salt intake
We eat around 9.5g of salt a day, but the Government wants us to cut this to no more than 6g, as high levels of salt can push up your blood pressure, raising your risk of cardiovascular conditions. Many food labels only list salt as sodium however, but you can do a simple sum to work out their real salt content; just multiply by 2.5. So 0.8g of sodium becomes 2g of salt. Try and season your food differently. Use cinnamon, chillie or mixed herbs such as Italian or Morrocon herbs to season your meal. Even better is to actually use fresh herbs.
6. Treat your body like your temple
Working on your physique and trying out mediation are fantastic ways to look after your body.
Another thing you can do is energise your body by using a body scrub once a week. I always make my own exfoliation by mixing sugar, olive oil and some liquid soap. Apply on dry skin and wash off with lukewarm water.
Your skin will feel baby smooth and you won’t need body lotion afterwards as the olive oil nourishes your skin.
7. Smile More Often
I have taught myself to smile more often as it is something you can do without any cost (except the cost of your own willpower). When I have to wait in the queue or at the traffic lights, I try to smile. Also, you will see that when you smile at other people, they will smile back at you and the whole world all of a sudden looks like a better place!
8. Drink Wore Water
Dehydration slows down your blood flow leaving you with less energy to face the day, drinking water first thing in the morning is a great way to kick start your day and takes only minutes, bring a bottle of water to bed at night and drink it first thing when you wake up to give yourself a boost of energy.
You should drink eight glasses of water throughout the day to keep your self hydrated. This will have a great effect on your energy levels and is very easy to implement into your daily routine.
9. Drink Green Tea
Green tea has many benefits, including helping to protect you from heart disease and cancer. It is also very beneficial for boosting your metabolism. Think it’s too bitter? Don’t pour the hot water in your cup straight after it boiled, let is stand for a while and then pour the water in your cup.
Also, don’t leave the bag in for too long. If you really can’t stand the taste, drizzle some manuka honey in your tea. Manuka Honey can help heal a wide range of conditions from infections to stomach ulcers.
10. Get More Sleep
Getting more sleep is a cost free thing you can easily implement tonight.
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