As I am writing this I am 36 weeks and 2 days pregnant, and the nesting instinct is starting to kick in. Here’s what I’m doing in my third trimester, to prepare for natural labour, birth and post partum recovery.
What I am Doing & Taking In Third Trimester
- I sit on an exercise ball vs chair – better to be more comfy and bounce on ball to help get baby in right position (head down, engaged).
- I am still training in the gym 2 or 3 times per week doing strength training (see more info below)
- Lots of walking – Enjoy an extra walk with my dog
- I am doing stretches 2 or 3 times per week (see My Third Trimester Stretching Routine To Prepare For Labour)
- Self Care: Lots of ME time before ME becomes WE…. Time to get my hair, nails and lashes done and enjoy another pregnancy massage and facial.
- Watch Online Childbirth Education Classes
- Reduce my work hours and only go to office twice a week
- Continue using Belly Butter on belly, thighs, butt and basically whole body
- Start drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
- Start My Third Trimester Supplement Protocol (see further below)
- Start drinking Weleda Nursing Tea
- Start having / making Lactation Cookies to help with milk supply
- Drink 1.5 – 2L water (on top of drinking cups of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea).
- Lots of extra time with hubby – more sex in the final weeks to help release oxytocin and semen has proven to help with thinning the cervix.
- Try out my “contractions timer app” so I am familiar with how it works and tracks.
- Start Antenatal Hand Expressing by week 37 – If you’re keen on breastfeeding, you might want to look into antenatal expressing colostrum as this process can kickstart your breastfeeding journey as well as help with releasing oxytocin which in turn may help you manage pain during labour. My midwife gave me sterile syringes and an information sheet to get started (You can learn more here)
- Finalise packing hospital bag (see below)
- Finalise packing labouring essentials (see below)
- Download and test out The Wonder Weeks App as well as Huckleberry app to track baby’s sleeping, nutrition and leaps.
- Finalise setup of Snoo Smart Sleeper (great for tracking baby’s sleep and patterns plus it automatically hushes her to sleep when she wakes).
- Post Partum Care – Finalise my Post Partum Self Care Box (packed with lots of goodies to take really good care of myself including face masks, bath bomb, magazine, deck of spiritual affirmation cards. Basically this box is designed to lift me up when I’m feeling a bit blue (which can happen post partum usually day 3 – 5).
- Post Partum Care – Finalise “nursing nest” at home. In order to thrive in my 4th trimester or post partum period, I’ve done som research on what I can do best to look after myself after baby is born. On top of the above post partum self care box, I’ve also made a cosy nursing nest at home which is where I anticipate to be spending most time. I’ve setup a super comfy chair, bought myself a new fur blanket and some cozy cushions and setup my fave area with a salt lamp for dim lighting, a nursing caddy with all essentials as well as a table with phone charging station, and head phones so I can listen to my fave audiobook on audible.
Fitness in Third Trimester
Throughout the third trimester I’ve been staying very active. I am still working and thankfully I am able to still train in the gym 3 times per week.
How often I train in gym: up to 3 times, approx. 30 mins weights and 10 mins cardio, 10 mins stretching. I am not changing up my gym routine, I keep doing what I’ve been doing in the third trimester.
What I train in the gym: slightly modified weights / resistance training with some additional core work. During third trimester I focus on minimal overhead movements, and maximal Also see my “Third Trimester Workout Routine“.
Supplements I am Taking in Third Trimester
Daily Supplement Protocol Week 30 – 35
- 1x Probiotic
- 5ML Liquid Trace Minerals (kept in fridge)
- 2x Pregnancy multivitamin
- 2x DHA (I am no longer taking these or anything like fish oils from week 36+ onwards as fish oils are blood thinning)
- 2x Vitamin C
- 1x Iron
- 1x Scoop Collagen (I use Gelatin Health diluted in tea or coffee)
- 1x Scoop Protein Powder
- 6x Dates
- Milk with fresh turmeric
- 2x Scoops of Gentle Fibre
- 1x Scoop night magnesium
- Melatonin as required
- Apply night lip balm before sleep
- Coloxyl and rectinoid as required
Daily Supplement Protocol Week 36+
- 1x Probiotic
- 5ML Liquid Trace Minerals
- 2x Pregnancy multivitamin
- 1x Iron + C
- 1x Scoop Collagen
- 1x Scoop Protein Powder
- 6x Dates
- Milk with fresh turmeric
- 2x Scoops of Gentle Fibre
- Two spoons of Ghee daily – In Ayurveda, Ghee is recommended during conception and pregnancy as it can help with absorption of calcium and for loosening abdominal and pelvic muscles (source).
- Red Raspberry leaf tea (1 to 3 cups daily) – I am having this as historically this tea has been used (as tea or tonic) to strengthen the uterus and promote faster, healthier labor and quicker postpartum recovery.
- Add Alfalfa to my diet (vitamin K for blood clotting)
- 1x Scoop night magnesium
- Melatonin as required
- Apply night lip balm before sleep
- Coloxyl and rectinoid as required (yes unfortunately the downward pressure can cause haemorrhoids – you can use a topical ointment, increase your fibre intake and also have a bath or sitz bath to soothe the discomfort).
Pack Hospital Bag – What to Pack For Mum
- Comfy outfit for during delivery (.e.g do you prefer to wear your own gown or are you happy with the hospital gown? ) I bought myself a beautiful pretty gown so I can feel good/pretty about myself after delivery
- Hair ties
- Nice comfy and loose tracksuit pants
- Recovery Compression Pants/Tights (I use Emma Co recovery pants)
- Long phone cord + power bank for charging phone
- Favourite toiletries including nipple balm, tooth brush
- Thongs for when you want to shower afterwards
- Warm snuggly slippers for when you have to stay in hospital a bit longer.
- Your own water bottle + coffee/tea thermos.
Pack Hospital Bag – What to Pack For Bub
I have pre packed and pre wrapped and written sizes on the following 5 baby outfits:
- 1x 00000 Bonds Wondersuit + Hat (and some extra PREMMY sized socks and mittens)
- 4x 0000 Bonds Wondersuits + Hat (and some extra socks and mittens)
- Welcome to the world plaque from Etsy
- Nice wrap + headband for first hospital photos from Snuggle Hunny
- 1 dark coloured hat and mittens for when bub is literally just born (I chose a dark grey colour over white so that when blood stained it does not look too bad).
Organise Labouring Essentials (Labour Prep List)
I’m getting organised and packing / getting together my labouring essentials. Also see “My Natural Birth Plan as a first time mum” with heaps of information.
Theragun – I will be using my theragun to help massage disomfort.
Tens Machine – The electrical impulses can reduce the pain signals going to the spinal cord and brain, which may help relieve pain and relax muscles. They may also stimulate the production of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers. How I plan to use the Tens Machine: pulse width 150, pulse rate 120-150, mode normal (pad placement on back 2 pads just below the bra line, 2 pads around panty line)
BIG water bottle – it’s important to stay hydrated and ensure you have plenty of pee breaks in between. Make it your labour partner’s job to remind you to pee every 30-60 mins as a full bladder may impact your delivery.
Labour Playlist or Hypno birthing Tracks – Now is the time to prep your favourite labouring music or choose your hypnobirthing app / tracks. My choice is to listen to the hypnobirthing tracks on my phone (I use Blessed App) and I’ve already tested out the contraction timer that is inbuilt in the app. Make sure that you have a contract timer on your phone and that you test it out prior to labour, so you know HOW it works, and that you understand how it works.
Labour snacks – Staying on top of my (and my husband’s) nutrition during labour is essential to avoid fatigue and hopefully avoids getting hangry.
Birth Partner – I think it’s essential to have a birth partner to coach and support you throughout the process. Here’s how a birth partner can help:
1) Just being there to keep you company, hold your hand, talk to you, calm and reassure you.
2) Helping you to breathe through your contractions.
3) Putting pads for a TENS machine on for you.
4) Making you something to eat.
5) Timing your contractions (if you’re not using an app – I am using “Blessed hypno birthing”) .
6) Running a bath for you.
7) Giving you a massage.
Organise Labour Snacks
Here are some great ideas for snacking during labour. From a nutritional point of view I look at labour like a sporting event or marathon like event where I want to space out my nutrition, ensuring I have lasting endurance and not feel too sick from sugary or high carb foods, or too full or sloshy in the stomach. Here are some great ideas for labour snacks:
Staying Hydrated During Labour:
- Electrolytes
- Coconut water
Staying Nourished During Labour:
- Honey sticks
- Banana or apple with nut butter.
- Avocado on toast
- Whole grain toast with nut or seed butter.
- Banana and honey on toast
- Fruit – bananas, apples, melons, berries, satsumas, strawberries
- Veg sticks – carrots, cucumber, celery
- Nuts and seeds
- Dried fruits – raisins, banana chips, dates, dried apple rings
- Fruit and nut / trail mix
- Flapjack or granola bars. Oats are great for slower release energy
- Energy balls – see my recipe below, or of course there are lots you can buy too
- Natural sugars from healthy sources to provide quick energy. A spoonful of raw honey, straight from the jar, for a boost of energy can be great
- Crackers – if you want something plain and easy, crackers can be good.
- Sandwiches, wholemeal or granary for slower energy release
- Soups can be easy to digest
- Ice lollies or ice cream if it makes you feel good, also cooling in hot weather
- Yogurt . add chopped fruit too
- Sweets – jelly beans, lollipops, gummy bears, haribo, cola bottles – fun nostalgia can be great for oxytocin release.
Managing Pain During Early Labour
- As needed, I will have 1mg of paracetamol handy
- I will also have nausea medication handy
Organise Post Partum Recovery Kit
I made my own padiscles and breast compresses for when milk comes in around day 4-5. Simply wet some maternity pads with a little bit of water, aloe vera gel and witch hazel tonic, then freeze until you need it post partum.
I had pre organised my own pain killers for the post partum period so that I don’t have to wait in hospital for the doctors to chart my pain medication (as we all know, sometimes you need pain medication RIGHT AWAY and you really don’t want to be waiting around for the doctors to do their rounds).
I made my own Post Partum Self Care Kit for my mental health.
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