To me, my mornings are golden. My mornings are “my quiet time” when I get to set my day up for success. I know that not everyone is an early riser – however with these simple tricks, you can start your morning off on the right foot and set yourself up for a successful day.
A morning routine does not have to include many lengthy or complicated steps…. A morning routine should be something simple that works for YOUR lifestyle and YOUR environment. It should be something you look forward to, not something you dread. The best tip I can give is to set yourself up for success by removing obstacles and implementing things that make your routine easy.
Have you heard of habit stacking? This is a simple strategy to add one thing to another…. For example when you go to the toilet in the morning, stack a habit onto it of drinking 1 glass of water, or scraping your tongue with an Ayurvedic tongue scraper. It’s simple, when you do 1 thing, simply add on another. If for example you make yourself a cup of coffee in the morning, why not make another cup for your loved one. It’s easy 🙂 🙂
I could write heaps more about my morning routine but for now I’d like to give you some simple practical tips to help you get the most our of your morning.
Here are some of my favourite morning habits
- Jot down 3 things you’re grateful for
- Write down 3 goals for today
- Sip your fave coffee whilst journalling
- Listen to your favourite tunes
- Stretch it out
- Meditate for 5 minutes
1. Gratitude
Gratitude practice is so simple yet SO effective. When you wake, simply write down 3 things you’re grateful for. Whether it’s a bed to sleep in, a roof above your head, pen and paper to write on, a chair to sit on, fresh water to drink, clean air to breathe or comfy pj’s to wear in bed… write it down!!!!!
2. Goals For Today
Upon waking write down 3 simple goals for today. Whether it’s making your bed, drinking a glass of water, taking 1 or 2 or 5 minutes to meditate, water your plants, walk the dog or bring joy to someone’s day, write it down so that you have a clear direction as to where to head today. Don’t fly blind – set yourself a goal and JUST DO IT!
3. Coffee
What’s your favourite morning brew? I LOVE sipping on my mushroom and coconut oil coffee in the morning whilst writing in my journal. This is the best way to start my day. Not only do I enjoy the flavours, sipping on a warm soothing drink whilst writing brings me peace and quiet – the perfect way to start my day!
4. Lift Your Mood
Feeling a bit foggy? Feeling a bit down? Put on your favourite tunes to start your day on the right foot. Pick a happy playlist or a relaxing soothing song to pick yourself up. If you need some inspiration send me a message so I can share my fave uplifting playlists with you!
5. Stretch It Out
After laying in bed for the last 6-8 hour the body LOVES to get a gentle stretch…
It does not have to be a 20 minute routine, simply making the body tall and stretching gently from side to side does wonders. If you have an extra minute, open up the chest and breathe deeply into that beautiful body of yours!
6. Morning Meditation
Really, you haven’t got 5 minutes before you start your day? Commonnnnn!!!!!
Really, just take 1, 2 or 5 minutes of your day to START YOUR DAY RIGHT! Sit quietly on your bed, chair or sofa, and close your eyes, tune into your breathing and focus your intentions on TODAY.
Thank you
I hope you enjoyed this post and that it has been helpful to you. Feel free to pass it on to a friend who might benefit from it. Stay connected via Facebook and Instagram to stay inspired and live your healthiest life yet!
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