Design Inspiration for your own Yoga Meditation Room at Home
Having your own little space at home is very important I think as it is a place where you calm down, declutter, exercise and relax.
In this fast paced world many people have designed their own little sanctuary in a corner or room of the house and I have done the same.
I’m in the process of creating my yoga meditation room at home and I have searched the web for some great inspiration.
In this post I’d like to share with you some beautiful interior designs for a yoga meditation room which can be indoors or outdoors.
I will also give you some quick tips on how you can create your own sanctuary at home.
1. Why have your own little space at home?
Following, a daily meditation practice is something many of us value. If you’ve practiced meditation or yoga for awhile, you know that the first requirement is a little privacy – a safe and quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
For a lot of people, this can be done in any part of their home, but if you’ve got kids, house mates, or share your boudoir with a partner or spouse, then creating a meditation room may not be a luxury but a necessity.
Here are a few tips on how you can simply and affordably create a meditation room (or yoga room) no matter what kind of space you’re in.
2. Five Tips For Creating Your Own Yoga and Meditation Room at Home
Tip 1: Keep it Simple
You don’t need to decorate your space with elaborate art and sculpture.
The basics will do just fine: a clean, quiet space that’s uncluttered and has a cushion or chair that suits you best.
Tip 2: Beauty and Meaning
With number 1 (above) in mind, you can still make your meditation room look nice. Find objects, fabrics and symbols you may have in other parts of the house and re-assign them to your new space.
They should have meaning to you and not be too energetically ‘noisy’ to be distracting.
Tip 3: Make it Smell Good
Some incense, potpourri or an essential oil candle with meditative scents are perfect for your contemplative time.
There are different scents for different goals. You can have a relaxing lavender oil such as Uber Secrets or an uplifting or grounding cedar oil.
Tip 4: Make it Sounds Good
You can add a small sound system, though it’s not necessary.
Some people like to meditate to soft, soothing music or chants (which you can play from your phone, or via Beats Headphones).
Others prefer silence or the sounds of nature outside their window (assuming there is nature outside their window).
But especially if you live in a noisy city, soothing sounds played at low volume can really help you get into that tranquil, meditative state.
Another option is a set of small chimes by an open window, or blown by a small fan.
Tip 5: No room? It’s still possible!
Maybe you simply don’t have a separate room you can dedicate solely to meditation. Fear not! There’s still a way … Using fabric or an old fashioned dressing screen in the corner of a room will do. The important thing is to make it your space, and a dedicated space that remains undisturbed and unused except for meditation. Ask anyone else you share your home with to honour that space and stay out unless invited.
Do you have a meditation room? Would it be a challenge for you to make one? Leave a comment and let me know.
Tip 6: No idea? Try this!
If you struggle to come up with any idea, sometimes to best place to meditate can be something like your own car (not when driving) or your sauna.
Yoga Meditation Room Inspiration Photos

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